Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Into the Abyss of Blogging

So…I’ve been very hesitant to start a blog. Why? Because there is vulnerability in exposing one’s opinions, interests, and thoughts with anyone bored enough to listen. I prefer to stay under the radar so to speak. But, the very idea of having a forum to share my life and ideas with others sounded too yummy to pass up. So here we are.

I’ve asked myself why anyone would take the time to visit my blog, read my ranting’s, and take an interest in my life. Besides everyone has a story to tell and many probably have a more interesting one at that. But, I am walking a unique path; one that some may find curious, odd, intriguing or a waste of time.  As of late, I’m finding it quite intriguing myself….

I’m a white middle aged married chic who lives at an Ashram.  Many things about that sentence are unique alone. First of all, Ashrams are more common and well known in Eastern countries like China and India. Secondly, they are usually inhabited by those that come from an Eastern culture. Because spiritual growth has traditionally been upheld as a respectable goal in the East it is very difficult for folks growing up in industrial nations to see the value of it. O.k…maybe they see the value of it but it’s not something you devote your whole life too. Plus I’m married which is a bit unusual for Ashram life considering Ashrams are thought of as only ascetic in nature. So here I am a white middle aged married chic living in an Ashram and swimming against the cultural current of mass production, mass consumption and traditional family life.

The funny thing is that I never really think about what others are doing with their lives. I’m mostly interested in my own internal journey and whether or not I am moving out of the limitations which keep me from inner freedom. But, I see that many folks are quite interested and befuddled as to why I would choose to walk this path.  For me the answer is one of simplicity: it’s working for my growth and I care for it. There is no big mystery to it or to living at an Ashram. I have my ups and downs and struggles like anybody else. The only difference is I live in an environment which is supportive of growing beyond the ups, downs and struggles at a rapid pace.

So the purpose of the blog is to share my experiences of walking the spiritual path not in hopes of convincing anyone to do the same but simply to share. After all, moving beyond this fear of vulnerability may be my biggest growth spurt yet!


  1. Thanks for your honesty, Karen. I too have been hesitant to start a blog. I think you might just have convinced me that it is time...I could use a growth spurt! I for one, no doubt, one of many, am very interested to be able to follow along as you record your path. :D

  2. Karen,
    this looks awesome and sure sounds great,
    thanks for sharing middle aged white woman :)

  3. I'm glad you decided to share. I am one of those folks who would LOVE to live at the ashram. Right now it's not possible, but one day it will be. Thanks for sharing. :)
